

Tips to improve your website form conversion rate in 2022

How to improve your website form conversion rate? Web forms are a vital way of communication between your organization and its customers, it’s critical that they have a good User Experience (UX). Indeed, web forms may be useful in supporting your users in accomplishing tasks that are frequently intrinsically related to your company’s success.

Form fields, however sometimes disregarded, are an important aspect of the user experience since they allow consumers to provide companies their information and improve communication between the two sides. Most online lead generation’s success or failure is determined by one crucial factor: website forms. The main goal of an online form is for the user to completely fill it out with accurate and reliable information.

The number of conversions compared to the number of visitors viewing the form, as well as the time it takes an average user to fill it out, are commonly used to estimate the success rate of an internet form. Users, on the other hand, find most website forms tedious and despise having to fill them out. Here are some strategies for improving your web conversion rate by optimizing your forms.


  • Clear Questions

The most important factor in the form is to keep the questions clear. Most of the users doesn’t like to fill  a huge form with so much of questions. So, the first rule is to keep the form simple. Clearly labeled fields are a simple method to improve the usability of forms while also guaranteeing that the data collected is of high quality.

Clear descriptive labels help limit the amount of uncertainty in the data that must be input. The few things that you can consider is Name, Contact number and Email Address. This three is the crucial information any company wants. Its always best to keep the less than 5 fields in the form. Lets check on the next factor on how to improve your website form conversion rate.

  • Use a good design and layout

The design tends to play a huge role in the forms. The users should have a ease look when they open the form.  There should be proper spacing and also the option to extend the form if need. Keeping the design simple and minimalistic is the best choice for a form without any aminations included.  You can use contrast, increase blank space to make your from get noticed and eye catching designs. Lets check on the next factor on how to improve your website form conversion rate.

  • Make your form pop-up

When a user enters to your website, they will scroll through your website, and they will read the information that are published. This is a key factor to improve your conversion, how typically a customers mind set work is that they try to complete things soon as possible. A user spending time in a website is getting low day by day. If the customers stays more than 5 minutes in your website scrolling through.

He is a potential customer to close the lead. The best way is to pop-up the form suddenly where already the user is convinced through the work you have done. They will go ahead and fill the form to get more information. It’s in your hand now on how to convince him on becoming your client. Lets check on the next factor on how to improve your website form conversion rate.

  • Take advantage of landing page

Some users don’t like to scroll through much information, they need to get their work done soon as possible and move ahead. Create a separate landing page in your website which would tell about your business. The main information you need to include is number of experience, the services you provide and your portfolio is enough. These landing page can be promoted in the google ads and social media marketing. This would make the users understand your business few mins and in the end of the landing page you need to place the form and when they close the tab it should pop-up a form. These would convert your visitors to leads.

Furthermore, you can add the forms on the blog page and the service page. People who is reading your blog is also your potential customer.  For an example- The user might search about digital marketing strategy and your company is providing digital marketing service. By any chance if you have written a blog about digital marketing strategy and the user comes and reads your blogs and in the end of the blog you mention that your company also provides digital marketing service. The user will immediately try to connect with you. Lets check on the next factor on how to improve your website form conversion rate.

  • Use call to action in button

Call to action button plays a huge role in increasing conversion rate. The users wants to get their job done as possible. People prefer talking to person rather than having a conversion via email. This is a great advantage to the company where they will be able to get to the interest of the user and they can provide a real time feedback on the questions. This would make the client fall under a comfort zone on how fast you respond, and you pass the required details. Lets check on the next factor on how to improve your website form conversion rate.

  • Highlight the privacy data

Users’ data privacy is a key worry for them, and it’s generally one of the main reasons they avoid filling out forms on websites.

A simple note next to the form reminding consumers that their personal information would be kept secure and not shared can be quite useful in resolving this worry. You could also put a link to your privacy policy right next to the form. Lets check on the next factor on how to improve your website form conversion rate.

  • Display the error in the relevant field

Error handling is a vital component of web design, especially when it comes to forms. Correct error messages make it easier for customers to fill out the form correctly, resulting in high-quality data for the company.

Error messages can appear in an alert box, on the confirmation page when the form is submitted, or inline next to the relevant fields. Inline error messages can increase usability by reducing the number of required clicks and making It easier for the clients.


Forms are really important to all the business. These would easily show how the business is performing, its compulsory to check on regular check if the forms are working in the website and is it coming to your mail. The other method you can try also is using a chat bot which would also be something like a form. However, It doesn’t matter on how you invest time on creating the form and making it appeal. It also depends on how fast you will be replying to the client on their request.

Make sure you create your website with a trusted and professional website developers. We are Tectera, leading web development companies in Sri Lanka. We provide services such as SEO, Digital Marketing and App development. 

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