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10 Gym Website Design Ideas

Gym Website Design Ideas

If you’re looking for a gym website design ideas which fulfills its purpose of conveying the intended message and also engages the targeted audience then this blog can be of great help for you. The key ingredient in designing a gym website is to make sure it is functional and user friendly.

The overall look of the website is based on the template chosen and the approach adopted to make it appear professional yet approachable. If you want to grow your business, then you must thoughtfully design your website to seek public attention. Here are 10 best design ideas to take inspiration from;

Gym Website Design Idea 1


This website includes amazing template, visuals and graphics to make it appear exclusive and professional. The very first thing to catch audience’s attention is the perfect tagline encouraging the audience to join Gymate and get their body in shape. The website includes class, schedule, shop and contact options.

Other than this, in order to make it a user-friendly experience the option to join class is separately provided and highlighted to encourage the client to join their community. Keeping in mind marketing and branding, social media platforms are provided to grow popularity among the audience.

Gym Website Design Idea 2


If you want to upscale your website then this design is going to serve the purpose. The right use of template and graphics is adding value to the outlook of this website, accompanied by a catchy line and the facility to see classes and join membership. Apart from this, the website includes a little background about the company along with the options to shop and contact.

In order to get people on board the option to join membership has been made prominent and clear. Additionally, to let the client’s queries answered mobile number has also been shared on top.

Gym Website Design Idea 3


This seems a professional and formal web design with the mission statement of the company being highlight of the page along with thought provoking line for the audience. In order to bring further clarity about their services the option to learn more has been provided, accompanied by the option to get started with them. The classes and schedule have been included for client’s convenience and in order to promote their business, social media handles are shared too.

Gym Website Design Idea 4


This seems like a user friendly and experienced website design, with all the options just a click away. The homepage not only consist of a tagline to encourage people to get on board but also includes the working hours and contact number to help the clients schedule a slot. This website provides the option to make account and log in to portal to avail services which seems like a pretty good idea. The overall website looks functional and approachable also, the template and color theme chosen serves as a cherry on top.

Gym Website Design Idea 5


This design looks different from the previous ones, instead of choosing to add more text and options the designer used the approach of creating a simple and handy website with little but impactful text. The mission statement is the only highlight of the homepage and the option to join is provided to have people on board. This design can be ideal for those who doesn’t like to crowd the homepage with a lot of options and text.

Gym Website Design Idea 6


This design checks all boxes of professionalism and exclusivity, instead of writing a tagline the designer opted encouraging words to add value to the homepage. The website includes the working hours of the gym along with the exact location and social media handles for better public engagement. The option to become member and starting the venture with them is made prominent and also contains programs customized on the client’s preference to make sure it turns out to be a good user experience.

Gym Website Design Idea 7


This design looks friendly and welcoming, and as the name suggests it promotes fitness and health. The picture of female trainers adds more energy to the website as it can be more thought provoking for the females to start their fitness venture. The website incorporates their facilitates, packages and programs along with the option to contact them in case of any queries or ambiguities.

Gym Website Design Idea 8


The highlight of this website design is the smart use of template and text color to make a statement. Unlike other website design ideas, they have shared the information of their trainers as well along with classes and schedule for making it convenient at the customer end to select the trainer and slot according to their preference. The overall outlook of the website is functional and user friendly accompanied by the search option to help the user navigate through the website and find things of their interest.

Gym Website Design Idea 9


The website looks atheistic-ally appealing and professional, with a catchy line best describing the business. The website includes their previous events, portfolio and the option to shop. All the options are pretty handy and self-explanatory and hence can be concluded as a user approachable website design. The designer has provided the option make account to let the potential clients get in touch about their services and upcoming events.

Gym website Design Idea 10


This website design is impactful and exclusive, the right use of template and color transition has made it stand apart from other designs. The website has the portfolio and events of the company and has also given the option to shop. All frequently answered questions can be answered by clicking on to the related tab.

The website seems engaging and give a strong feeling of thoughtful designing. The read more option is provided to let the potential clients know more about the business, their services and how they can be a perfect fit for transforming their body and health.

To get more gym website design ideas contact Tectera who are a web development company in Toronto.

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